Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Alarm King Why Did Martin Luther King Jr Attack The Republican Party?

Why did Martin Luther King Jr attack the Republican Party? - alarm king

Seriously. Do not change the subject. Why?


I quote Dr. King himself

"The Republican Party conducted its mission and program of racism, reaction and extremism. All people of good will with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the CCC, with the radical right. The man" at the ceremony was a senator including the registration of voters, the philosophy and the program was anathema to drive all the achievements of the last ten years.


tribeca_... said...

Martin Luther King Jr. saw that the Republican Party has played to the extreme right. Republicans courting the segregationist appeals to the aggression. The country was tried in the middle of a bitter struggle for civil rights and the Republican Party to support conservative and outside of the New Democratic Party from the Democratic president to win obviously pushed legislation on civil rights. Thereafter, the Southern GOP has their strategy was implemented more conservative and the liberal left the Republican Party.

Edit: Please note that once the attack against MLK, Republican Propaganda, Republicans and call him a Communist.

Gentle Giant said...

King was the last one left wing liberal Democrat.
He hated the government of Pakistan and chose to reduce all problems of the black population. King ignores the fact that almost all blacks voted Republican Hoover and FDR leg of the economy began to realize that black people have voted en bloc, and has already taken steps for the Democrats.
King was an orator, but not really a very social person.
He talked a lot, but not always just the facts.

The Sheriff is a-near! said...

It's funny how the closest thing to Goldwater today, Pat Buchannon was launched mainly from the game. Have something specific, or can also talk about how the Democrats ran the federal government and later the Ku Klux Klan (which was also the only current senator in the KKK, Robert Byrd is)?

grothman said...

AMEN ..... HUN pre-Reagan Republican Party, Goldwater and Ronald Reagan was regarded as eccentric. Nixon (Dick would become more complicated Reagan and Bush, the two leagues .... every day of the week and also including Clinton) said Reagan was "strange".

Martin Luther King was absolutely right about the GOP ...

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